Different Types of Food Packaging Material

Food comes packaged in a variety of different materials including cardboard, plastic, aluminum and wooden barrels. Because of the difference in a foods shelf life, meats, veggies and snack food are all stored in completely different containers. No matter what type of container you choose your food to be stored in, you will still need to be cautious on whether or not the food was packaged properly. This will help you to avoid any contamination of your newly bought foods.


Plastic is used for a large variety of foods including bread, frozen goods, snack foods, cheeses and a variety of beverages. For frozen foods you will normally see the food placed in a plastic tray with a plastic film placed on top for a seal and venting during the heating process.


Aluminum is an inexpensive, resourceful way of packaging food. Foods that are stored in an aluminum container have a longer shelf life and remain fresh even months after the packaging date. Another great benefit to packaging food in an aluminum container is being able to recycle it after it has been used.


Cardboard containers are used for candies, snack food, salt, nuts and a large variety of dairy products. Not only are they recyclable, but they are extremely light in weight and easy to dispose of. With a variety of cardboard packaged foods, there is a plastic lining that holds the food within the box.

Wooden Barrels

Although it is not as common as it was back in the 80's and 90's, wooden barrels are an excellent way to store beer, wine, cooking oils and numerous liquid foods. In certain areas of the world, you will find that specific types of food packaging facilities still stay loyal with using wooden barrels for a variety of beverages and foods.